
The Shiv Sena on Monday launched yet another scathing attackon Pakistan over the issue of abrogation of Article 370, which provided specialstatus to Jammu and Kashmir. In an editorial in its mouthpiece Saamana, the NDAconstituent said that Pakistan was already in “Intensive Care Unit” because ofits domestic situations and country’s Prime Minister Imran Khan should botherabout his own problems rather than focusing on Kashmir. The editorial mockedboth Pakistan and China for their failed attempt at the United Nations SecurityCouncil (UNSC) to thwart India’s move. Referring to the closed-door meeting atthe UNSC, the Shiv Sena said that the all-weather allies were left emptyhanded.

It further said that most of the member nations of the UNSCbacked New Delhi over Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led central government toabrogate Article 370 and bifurcate Jammu and Kashmir into two UnionTerritories.According to the editorial, China was embarrassed on theinternational platform by rallying behind a country like Pakistan.

Pakistan has the habit of causing harm to self on the issueof Kashmir and despite its request being quashed at the UNSC, the countrycontinues to panic and sulk, said the editorial. It further dismissed the threatby Pakistan as “hollow”.

The Shiv Sena said that despite being snubbed by the US,Pakistan is continuing to run from pillar to post only because of the “oxygen”provided by China.

The editorial further suggested that Pakistan should botherabout rising inflation, poverty, anarchy and poor economic situation in thecountry instead of raking up the Kashmir issues across the world.

Pakistan has approached almost all major world powersagainst India’s move in Jammu and Kashmir. However, the country has beensnubbed by all and even its Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi concededrecently that they were not awaited with “flowers in hand” at the UnitedNations.

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